I’ve been coaching/consulting professionally since 2018.

I help business owners improve recognition & increase profitability.

I also help new entrepreneurs skip many hurdles I had to overcome while building over a dozen successful companies.

A few weeks ago, I was hired to speak at a real estate awards ceremony for the top Keller Williams realtors.

The guy who hired me mentioned:

  • Inflation and Interest Rates
  • Geopolitical Risk
  • The Great Housing Imbalance
  • Regulatory Uncertainty
  • COVID Lockdowns

I’m not a realtor, and I was a bit nervous about what I could teach these top earners.

I wasn’t going to TRY to teach them anything about real estate (to keep from looking stupid).

3 little boys taught me a lesson that I shared with the audience.

conflict, and action


2 weeks before the event – on a call with a client

doorbell rings. 3 little boys at my door. (hey, are you guys okay?) yes sir.

“let me get off this call, and I’ll talk to you in just a minute, ok? – “yes, sir”

I stepped back inside to finish the call. A few seconds later, the doorbell rings again.

I told my client I’d call them back.

Can we have $2 or $5? — “DON’T SAY THAT PART FIRST!

Older kid – “we’re starting a business.” The younger kid replies (“IT’S TRASH“)

Are you earning money to buy something? “We’re gonna’ be RICH!


  • (Getting outside their comfort zone) meeting potential clients
  •  LIKABLE (people skills)
  • Offered something of value
  • Asked for the sale
  • Asked for the sale again
  • (Got the sale)
  • Had drive behind what they were doing. “We’re gonna’ be RICH!
  • After I paid them, they “scheduled” the next meeting. “Thank you, sir! See you in 1 week!


Wednesday, before I left to speak at this event, 2 of them showed up again (just like they said they would).

(Finishing another call with a client.) “Hey! I’ll talk to you guys in a few minutes.”

A few seconds later, the doorbell rings again. $1 bill lying there with two pieces of candy. Kid says, “we appreciate you.” (I told my client I’d call them back/I gave their money back).


  • (Integrity) Did what they said they would do
  • (Follow up) Rang the bell again, even after an objection
  • Did something that made me feel grateful/ indebted to them. ($1/candy)

By sharing a relatable story with these top real estate professionals, I didn’t have to know or talk about:

  • Inflation and Interest Rates
  • Geopolitical Risk
  • The Great Housing Imbalance
  • Regulatory Uncertainty
  • COVID Lockdowns

But many attendees told me how much they loved my speech.

By relating how these little kids were doing what came naturally to them to start their first business, top real estate professionals learned something, but they were also entertained!

Start incorporating relevant stories as a way to connect with your audience!

