“Are smartphones making us unhappy?” There are currently over 1,350,000 web pages that tell us smartphones DO in fact make us unhappy. Major corporations make millions by drawing us into negative social media.

Psychologists say we’re losing face-to-face social interaction because of how we use our smartphones.

But, as one of the staff writers at BestCellular.com said, “If all you focus on is the doom and gloom headlines, you’re losing out on a lot of opportunities.”

Keep watching and I’ll share the secret that actually re-trains the social media algorithms that are hurting us as a society!

Smartphones Can Actually Improve Our Lives

  • For example, when I get in my car each morning, my smartphone connects to my radio and Audible starts playing a personal development book. On average, I’m able to complete more than 6 audiobooks each month.
  • Last year, I took 120 mountain bike trips and made new friends with many other mountain bikers through social media.
  • The Success, Motivation & Inspiration social media groups I run have tens of thousands of members. I personally know one member who decided NOT to commit suicide due to connections he made and a late night group chat when he was at his lowest point.

Your Thoughts Become Your Reality

We all know someone who’s been affected by cyberbullying, deceptive advertising, disaster headlines, or political fights. Social media algorithms are designed to show us the content we are most likely to interact with.

After all, social media platforms such as Facebook make their money by keeping as many visitors looking at as many screens as possible, for as long as possible to display as many sponsored ads as possible. The social media algorithms show us the content we’re the most likely to interact with, which means we’re able to be shown as many relevant ads as possible.

Social media algorithms factor in things like:

  • How often have you interacted with this type of post?
  • How often have you and everyone else hidden this type of post?
  • The level of engagement that page and post have received.
  • The performance of each post among users that have already viewed it.

In short, the algorithms for Facebook are all about only showing people the content that’s seen as relevant to them.

Here’s the secret: Ignoring negative posts while seeking, and interacting with positive social media content actually re-trains the algorithms to show you positive content!

If enough of us take a stand, we can improve the world as we know it! Share this video to help others teach social media algorithms to stop helping corporations profit off negativity!

Don’t forget to like this page after sharing this video!

*From a speech given by M. Curtis McCoy titled, “Are Smartphones Making Us Unhappy?”

