
Popular sales techniques:

Consultative Selling: Focus on customers’ needs and provide personalized advice to solve their problems.
Solution Selling: Identifying and solving a specific problem that a customer faces, emphasizing the solution’s benefits.
SPIN Selling: Structuring sales conversations around Situation, Problem, Implication, and Need-Payoff questions to uncover and develop needs.
Challenger Sale: Teaching, tailoring, and taking control of the sales process to challenge customers’ thinking and drive value.
Value-Based Selling: Highlighting how a product or service provides value to the customer, focusing on ROI and benefits over features.
Social Selling: Using social media platforms to directly connect with and sell to customers.
Emotional Selling Proposition (ESP): Leveraging emotions to make a product or service more appealing.
The Sandler Selling System: A no-pressure, consultative selling strategy that focuses on qualification and addressing objections early.
BANT Framework: Qualifying prospects based on their Budget, Authority, Needs, and Timeline.
Account-Based Selling: Tailoring sales strategies to target and engage specific high-value accounts rather than individual leads.
Inbound Selling: Attracting customers through content and interactions that are relevant and helpful, not interruptive.
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Creating a sense of urgency to encourage customers to make a purchase to avoid missing out on a benefit.
Cross-Selling and Upselling: Recommending additional products or services to increase the value of a purchase.
The Foot-in-the-Door Technique: Starting with a small request to increase the chances of agreeing to a larger request later.
The Door-in-the-Face Technique: Beginning with a large request that is likely to be rejected, making a smaller request more acceptable.
Referral Selling: Using existing customers’ referrals to generate new business.
Trial Closes: Asking preliminary questions throughout the sales process to gauge a prospect’s readiness to buy.
Storytelling: Using narratives about real-life scenarios or success stories to illustrate a product’s or service’s value.
The Puppy Dog Close: Letting potential customers take a product home or try a service with the option to return it, hoping they’ll get attached and decide to purchase.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in Sales: Using psychological techniques to communicate more effectively and influence buying decisions.
Prescriptive Selling: Offering specific recommendations and guidance to solve a customer’s unique challenges.
Reverse Selling: Asking questions to make customers sell themselves on the product or service, rather than pushing the sale directly.
Strategic Partnership Selling: Positioning the seller as a partner in the customer’s success, emphasizing long-term benefits over immediate sales.
Educational Selling: Providing valuable information or education to customers as a way to build trust and facilitate the sale.
The Gittomer Principle: Building relationships with prospects through value-first selling, focusing on how to help the customer succeed.
The Takeaway Close: Subtly suggesting that the product or service may not be for everyone, inciting the prospect to want it more.
The Yes-Set Close: Getting the prospect to agree to a series of small commitments that lead to a final larger commitment.
The Ben Franklin Close: Listing the pros and cons with the customer, usually showing that the pros outweigh the cons.
The Columbo Close: Pretending to leave or end the conversation, then turning back to ask ‘one more thing’ that leads to closing the sale.
Assumptive Selling: Acting and speaking as if the customer has already decided to purchase, gently pushing them towards the sale.
Scarcity Selling: Highlighting the limited availability of a product or service to urge a faster decision.
The Contrast Principle: Showing less attractive options before presenting the preferred product to highlight its value.
The Halo Effect: Leveraging a brand’s reputation or a product’s standout feature to sell other offerings.
The Authority Selling: Establishing the seller’s credibility and expertise to build trust and persuade the customer.
The Framing Effect: Influencing decision-making by presenting information in a way that highlights the benefits or downplays the drawbacks.
The Law of Reciprocity: Offering something of value for free upfront, creating a sense of obligation to reciprocate, often by making a purchase.
The Consistency Principle: Encouraging customers to make decisions that align with their previous actions or statements, promoting consistency in their choices.
Multi-Threading: Engaging multiple stakeholders within a prospect organization to build broader support for the deal.
The Pareto Principle in Sales: Focusing efforts on the 20% of prospects or activities that will generate 80% of the results.
Outcome Selling: Focusing on the positive outcomes and success that the customer will achieve by purchasing the product or service.
Value Proposition Selling: Clearly articulating how a product or service solves a problem or improves the customer’s situation in a unique way.
Loss Aversion Selling: Highlighting what the prospect stands to lose by not purchasing, based on the psychological principle that losses are more impactful than gains.
The Law of Scarcity: Creating a sense of urgency by emphasizing limited quantities or time-sensitive offers to prompt immediate action.
Narrative Selling: Crafting a compelling story around a product or service that connects emotionally with the customer.
Social Proof Selling: Using testimonials, customer stories, and user reviews to validate the product’s value and effectiveness.
The Law of Contrast: Demonstrating the value of your offering by comparing it with competitors’ offerings, emphasizing its superior quality or value.
The Anchoring Effect: Starting with a high initial price or offer as an anchor, making the actual price seem more reasonable by comparison.
The Decoy Effect: Offering three options where two are similar but one is clearly better, guiding customers towards the preferred choice.
The Bandwagon Effect: Suggesting that a product or service is popular or widely accepted, encouraging customers to join the trend.
Peak-End Rule: Ensuring that sales interactions have strong, positive beginnings and endings, as these are what customers remember most.
The Foot-in-the-Mouth Technique: Starting conversations by asking about the customer’s well-being or showing genuine concern, creating a sense of reciprocity.
The Zeigarnik Effect: Leveraging open loops or unfinished stories to capture and hold the customer’s attention, promising closure through the sale.
Freemium to Premium: Offering a basic version of a product or service for free, then charging for premium features or capabilities.
The Endowed Progress Effect: Making it appear that a customer is already partway through a process or has earned a start towards a goal, motivating them to complete the sale.
The Diderot Effect: Encouraging additional purchases by appealing to the customer’s desire for consistency and complementarity among their possessions.
The IKEA Effect: Involving customers in the creation or customization of a product, increasing its value to them.
Exclusive Membership Selling: Offering customers the chance to be part of an exclusive club or group when they make a purchase.
Psychological Pricing: Using price points that are slightly below round numbers (e.g., $19.99 instead of $20) to make a product seem less expensive.
The Focusing Effect: Directing the customer’s attention to the most compelling benefits or features of a product, minimizing potential objections.
The Paradox of Choice: Limiting the number of options presented to customers to prevent overwhelm and facilitate decision-making.
The Power of Free: Offering something for free to attract interest before introducing paid options or add-ons.
Micro-commitments: Encouraging small actions that lead to larger commitments, easing the path to a sale.
Empathy Selling: Understanding and addressing the emotional needs and challenges of the customer.
The Commitment and Consistency Principle: Leveraging customers’ desire to appear consistent in their actions and commitments to influence purchasing decisions.
The Recency Effect: Prioritizing recent information or products, suggesting that the newest offerings are the most relevant or valuable.
The Serial Position Effect: Placing important product features or offers at the beginning and end of listings or presentations, where they’re more likely to be remembered.
Risk Reversal: Offering guarantees, refunds, or free trials to reduce the perceived risk of purchasing.
The Sunk Cost Fallacy: Encouraging continued investment in a product or service based on what has already been spent, rather than future costs and benefits.
Exclusivity Technique: Making customers feel special with offers or products that are available only to a select group.
Lifestyle Selling: Aligning a product or service with a desirable lifestyle or identity, making it more attractive to specific customer segments.
The Mere Exposure Effect: Increasing familiarity with a product or brand through repeated exposure, leading to a higher likelihood of purchase.
The Similarity Principle: Establishing common ground or shared attributes with customers to build rapport and trust.
Price Skimming: Setting a high price initially and then gradually lowering it to reach different segments of the market.
Price Penetration: Setting a low initial price to quickly gain market share and then adjusting it over time.
The Liking Principle: People are more likely to buy from someone they like or relate to on a personal level.
The Authority Principle: Demonstrating expertise or authority in a field to gain trust and persuade customers.
Social Influence: Showcasing how others have made positive decisions to buy, leveraging group dynamics to encourage sales.
The Scarcity Illusion: Creating the illusion of scarcity for a product that is not scarce, to trigger a fear of missing out.
The Curiosity Gap: Piquing interest with intriguing headlines or questions that leave a gap in knowledge, encouraging engagement for the answer.
The Contrast Principle: Presenting a lower-value offer before the real offer to make the latter seem more compelling.
