– Greeting –
Thank you, madam Toastmaster, fellow club members & honored guests!
Capture audience interest
How many of you are familiar with the term News Wire?
A wire service, or newswire, provides an impetus for journalists and editors to get the latest news via press releases. Wire services broadcast their content via satellite, fax machines, or closed editorial systems in recent decades.
Newswire services use various technologies to distribute press releases, including email, FTP servers, and RSS feeds.
The first commercial newswire was established in 1848!
Introduce your topic
I have used press releases to build massive audiences and generate hundreds of thousands of dollars per month in sales.
The problem is: many press release distribution platforms are costly. Small businesses spend as much as $795 to submit a single press release promoting their product, service, or special event!
While building my telecommunications company to over 250,000 monthly visitors, We regularly spent $500 per press release to boost search engine rankings and gain traffic.
News-Wire.com was established back in 1997. Although I recently acquired the company, the reason I’m sharing this with you today is to share the massive traffic your business can gain from submitting press releases!
Many small businesses can’t afford to spend $500 or more per article to gain national exposure for their business.
After retiring from the telecommunications industry, I knew there was something I could do to help… So I took over News Wire!
We’re now offering free press release distribution to small businesses, as well as inexpensive upgrades for premium distribution!
Submitting a well-written press release offers several benefits:
If a company is launching a new product or has recently moved locations, it can use a press release to update the public on what’s been going on.
Press releases can also help small businesses get the attention of potential buyers.
News media has less time to create content
For many years, entrepreneurs used press release distribution companies with massive email lists of journalists & reporters. When a press release was submitted, these companies would send out email blasts to every relevant contact, hoping a few of them would read the email & include it in their publication.
The problem is: We all HATE our inbox being filled up with unsolicited emails. Many reporters prefer to get their news via RSS feed, not email. We have a solution. News Wire runs 30 niche-specific RSS Feeds so every press release can be seen in real-time by the people who are looking for news to share!
What is RSS?
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It refers to files easily read by a computer called XML files that automatically update information.
Submit a press release to News Wire. When the article is reviewed & approved, it is instantly syndicated globally to news sites, newspapers, magazines & radio shows. It’s also available to every person in the world who has a smartphone, computer, or internet-connected tablet, or iPad!
Blog posts can take months to appear in search engines
As of last week, entrepreneurs and small businesses who submit press releases to News Wire will also have instant syndication to Google News and Bing!
What if you’re not a great writer?
News Wire is integrating a service that uses OpenAI GTP-3 artificial intelligence to offer professional proofreading and editing as an upgrade to press releases submitted to the site.
What is OpenAI?
OpenAI is an organization set up with a $1 billion pledge from a group of founders, including Tesla CEO Elon Musk. In February 2018, Elon Musk stepped down from the Board of Directors at OpenAI. Though he has left his position on the board, Musk continues to donate and advise the company.
How does News Wire use artificial intelligence to improve press release quality?
OpenAI GTP-3 is software that uses artificial intelligence to write articles that are interesting and easy to read. At News Wire, a human copywriter works alongside the artificial intelligence platform to improve the readability of the article and correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes, plus ensure proper keyword density to improve search engine ranking.
You don’t need to be a phenomenal writer to create press releases that sound like a professional copywriter published them. With News Wire, they can be!
- We’ve talked about how expensive press release distribution used to be and how it can benefit your business.
- I’ve shared how News Wire uses cutting-edge technology, including instant syndication to Google News and Bing, to quickly and inexpensively get your business into the media.
- You just heard about the groundbreaking work we’re doing to incorporate OpenAI GTP-3 artificial intelligence software into the editorial process, so your press release sounds like a pro wrote it.
- Now, I’ve got one last thing to share! If you submit your press release using coupon code: “Toastmasters” you will receive an exclusive discount of 50% on every premium distribution upgrade for your press release!
What are you waiting for?
Visit News-Wire.com to submit your own press release & gain massive traffic to your business! Let’s do this!