Many of us are familiar with interview-style podcasts like the one I host, but there is no prescribed format, length, or style for a podcast. Some podcasts consist of a single person telling stories or discussing politics, religion, romance, or maybe aliens or true crime.

My favorite podcasts are shows where the host brings on various guests to ask them questions about their area of expertise.

Podcasting is not a format or a style, it’s a distribution method! Podcasting is the preparation and distribution of audio and/or video files to subscribers using RSS feeds. Using that definition, the show I host on Amazon Fire TV could actually be classified as a podcast since it’s syndicated via RSS.

Content producers have increasingly turned to podcasting as an inexpensive, user-friendly distribution channel & Apple iPhones even come with a pre-installed podcast directory!

If you’re interested in being interviewed as a guest, or even hosting your own podcast, we need to chat!

