What Is The Secret To Success?
- Doesn’t it seem like Successful people know something you don’t?
- Have you ever noticed leaders look at life differently than the average population?
I’m not talking about just making a lot of money. I’m talking about real success. True happiness. What is the secret to success? What do other leaders know that you don’t?
If you’re the type of person, who knows you deserve more in life, I’d like to share what brought me to write the book, “How To Be Successful: Think Like A Leader“
By the time I was 27 years old, I was the owner of several companies in various industries, including medical, fashion, manufacturing, distribution, and pharmaceuticals. I had become successful at a young age. Life was great!
Everything changed when I started having daily grand mal seizures. In 2010, I was diagnosed with brain cancer. Oncologists gave me only 60-90 days to live. I lost absolutely everything as I became unable to drive, live alone, or remember small details such as if I’d eaten or taken an insulin shot. Everything I had researched, the businesses I had built, and even my memory were gone.
My family took me to Tijuana, Mexico, to pursue alternative treatments. Uncertain whether I’d survive or not, I was inspired to make a difference in as many lives as possible.
I began contacting leaders I admired and asking questions. How To Be Successful: Think Like A Leader is a compilation of true stories & conversations with entrepreneurs to help you in your journey to success.
- A self-made millionaire shares how he went from being homeless to owning a Ferrari.
- Stop taking ownership of misfortune and become successful with the resources you have.
- US Navy SEAL Team Sniper Jeff Wobig shares his morning routine and the simple steps he takes to absolutely maximize every single day.
- When asked about a weakness or personal character flaw in Chapter 12, Paul Watson said, “I’m a believer that nobody will allow themselves to lose forever. You can look at somebody when they go through a divorce. When somebody leaves a marriage, many times, they’re saying, “I’m not going to put up with losing all the time.” They feel like they’re always losing in the relationship. The other person walks on them and mistreats them. So, what I’ve come to find out is this: being competitive is terrific as long as everybody wins, but when you win at the expense of other people, then it’s no longer a good trait, but it’s a character flaw. It’s a weakness. So, I’m working on that loyalty piece, saying, “How do we all win? How are we all – for each other?”
- Eric Payne shares some incredible insights about truly being yourself and living in your strengths. Eric hosts “The Annual Attempt To Burn The House Down Party” every year, and it’s an absolute blast. I think you’ll love this chapter!
- Caujuan Mayo shares how he went from prison to launching multiple successful companies and publishing over a dozen books.
- Does this sound like you? You’re the butt of all jokes. You’re disrespected continuously by your friends and significant other. It doesn’t always have to be that way. Learn to “teach people how to treat you” in Chapter 18.
- Nathan Schulhof has worked with and consulted for Apple since 1980. He’s known as the Father of the MP3 Player. If you own a portable media player or a smartphone, chances are you own a product that uses the technology invented by Nathan Schulhof. Mr. Schulhof shares a unique perspective on being a comfortable minimalist after making a fortune at a young age.
- Develop winning habits to set yourself up for success.
There is so much I’d like to share!
Get your copy of How To Be Successful & Think Like A Leader now!

At first I thought this book was going to be another self-help book telling me stuff that I’ve heard before. I had planned on reading the Introduction to validate my prior thoughts and then toss the book aside. To my surprise Curtis McCoy grabbed me with his story. He had it all. He was young (27) and living a very prosperous life when a tumor on his brain changed everything. He lost it all, including his independent and pieces of his memory. McCoy worked on his health issues and on defining his life. He decided to focus on “success” by asking several successful people to define it and to give some direction on the subject. Their responses ranged from traditional, unconventional and spiritual. I found myself revisiting and updating my definition of success.
This book is thought provoking, inspirational and motivational. Yes, it has predictable advice like: get up early, exercise, eat well balanced meals, learn to say no ….but that advice is peppered with real life experiences. Curtis McCoy gave me plenty to digest. It’s a quick read and one well worth my time. I strongly recommend checking this book out.

M. Curtis McCoy's book is a self-help life-changer for those open to his message. He has the experience and smarts to encourage anyone facing challenges to put their best foot forward and approach things with the proper mindset for accomplishing just about anything. Curtis has been quite successful in his life, yet has also faced many challenges that might defeat a person unless they have the proper mindset. His interviews and shared life experience not only motivate but inform the reader of what is possible to accomplish. I'm thrilled to have read this book and unabashedly recommend it to others who are on a journey of self-improvement and are open to attitude adjustment (in a good way).

A distinctive book on how to be successful by thinking like a leader. The book has a plethora of info from the author. There are also a number of interview sessions with successful leaders. This brings a vital combination of information and the actual experience of real people. Well, I liked the interviews. I think they've added an extra measure of information that can help the reader see precisely what the author was writing about. This book is a perfect read for those who feel that they are not getting their role right, for those who want to be promoted or move to a new job that may have different requirements, or ideally for those who want to look to the future and ensure that they have the ability to move to a higher level of responsibility.

You will have no excuse as a leader after reading this book. You will have to do the inner work and can't skip a day more.
This book is not only for leaders but also for those who want to learn the true definition of a successful life well-lived.
What makes this book unique is the backstory and the sheer intentions of the author for writing this book.
I will not say all he said in this book is something I haven't heard before, but the perspective is uniquely different.
I think we should all view life and our goals with this perspective.
The big message I got from his story is that there are things that MUST be done and there is always a timeline whether we like it or not. The thing about success is that it doesn't wait for anyone. The perfect time to start is always now. I enjoyed the book.

The collective contributions that have been thoughtfully compiled here offer readers a glimpse into the lives of many souls who have found success! Seeing the variation (and similarity) in the answers to a standard set of interview questions provided me with a unique perspective. Having these conversational snippets interspersed with other informative sections helped keep the structure lively and fresh throughout - like a palate cleanser between personalities! This title gives seasoned leaders and aspiring entrepreneurs a wealth of helpful hints and motivational approaches that they can potentially apply to their own lives, aspirations, and future goals.

Curtis McCoy's "How To Be Successful: Think Like A Leader" grabs the readers from the start with an authentic personal tale of success that had a very dramatic rocky road including brain cancer and other health issues. I particularly enjoyed the interviews with diverse people ranging from a Navy Seal to the author's own mother to gain perspectives on leadership and defining success. This is a good quick read peppered with helpful tips such as ways to form a positive habit and how to tell people "no" so you can focus on your mission. I believe that this is a good read for a anyone who is looking to level up their life!

I always enjoy self-help books that contain interviews with successful people. The main reason is that you just learn so much, by listening to their stories, insights and experiences. I read the book straight in 2 hours and got insights that I would never be able to get from sitting down with those people for lunch. The investment in this book, is money well spent. One of my favorite quotes from the book came from Nathan Schulhof who answered the question of how he manages and prioritizes decisions: "Usually I prioritize by profit and loss." An unusual response, that reminded me how difficult we are wired. Read this book and learn from different people how to be successful.

I've read a lot of these books and they can get repetitive. This book took a fresh approach and made it a joy to read. More importantly I got some useful tips out of it. I never get tired of hearing real stories of how people overcame adversity to achieve success. His interview style is ideal for teaching through interviews and stories. Even though its not a motivation book, I found the content to have a motivational effect on me.

The interviews were amazing. I couldn't stop reading (even though I had other things I really needed to get done).
It's been a while since I've had a book in my hands that was painful to put down and so exciting to pick back up.

I enjoyed reading the book. It was highly inspirational. It's mostly about how you perceive things and your attitude when problems arise. It tries to show readers what's important than success measured in money.
The others who were interviewed in the book were great as well. The stories that everyone shared, the experiences and lessons all deserved the emphasis. I was very touched by a number of stories mentioned. An enjoyable read and very insightful.

If you need the motivation to stay on track and achieve success this is a great guide. Featuring interviews and personal stories of individuals who have followed their own unique paths to achieve their goals. There are characteristics that are universal and common practices among those that do achieve success and one can learn a lot from their journeys.

I really enjoyed reading this book. Particularly the interviews he had with different successful people in their respective industry. It was interesting the read about the different thoughts and point of view. Each person showed their personal struggles and path to success. Wonderful book!

The author story alone is enough to make this book worth the read. With that, the interviews in the book are insightful, inspiring, and a force for good. Being successful is not a difficult science, it just takes doing.
This book spells this out clearly and draws the reader towards living a more successful and accomplished life. I highly recommend it.

Great book for those that want to change their way of thinking in order to be more successful. Though I've read similar books on the subject, I feel as though this one was written better. Definitely recommend!

It's my opinion that the strength in this book lies in the various viewpoints of the individuals interviewed. It seems most often these type of books are trying to sell you a road map that only has one route to the destination. Here we have one map, seven different routes, and seven different destinations on that map.
We are all individuals, with individual definitions of success, with individual routes to get there. This book is a great reminder of that.

This is a great book. I really enjoyed reading this book. It was very thought provoking. Not only does it help you think, it gives great examples and practical suggestions to help you apply them.

This is a true call to action. I love the perspective of people who lose everything and triumph regardless. This is not just for leaders and a real call to make changes in any life.

Loved this motivational and encouraging book. It gives me hope and wisdom to learn, grow and hopefully do right with success in all areas. Such great wisdom in here. Thank you M. Curtis McCoy for your friendship and for sharing this with the world.

Well written with some great interviews.
Just when you thought there was nothing new to learn on this subject, Curtis will prove you wrong.

I am one who likes stories of real people, how they became successful. This book not only tells of the author’s struggles (far bigger obstacles than I have ever experienced) but the book also has chapters where other people are interviewed and we hear their stories as well. Thus book is uplifting and I recommend it.

This a very motivational book, good reading, highly recommended!

Well written like you were really talking to the persons in the book and very good senseable business advice about how to build your business an overcome obstacles. A book worth reading for business and personal advice!

I feel this book will become a classic in its field. Author M. Curtis McCoy has superb advice for how to become successful. He runs a successful company yet is relatable and writes in an engaging style.
In addition to his own advice, which comes through many ups and downs while navigating a difficult medical diagnosis and still being successful, he also offers advice from other successful people in this book. He interviews many people who are doing extremely well in their chosen field and asks them the same set of questions. The answers are inspirational, helpful, and directly applicable to everyday life and to business life.
The author (and many of the experts he interviews) also touches on faith and on its role in his development and success, something which most other books in this field don't do. The mentions of Christianity are helpful for someone seeking to become successful while putting God first. The book could still be read in a purely secular manner if desired (e.g. by an agnostic), although it might not be the best choice for someone who is strongly opposed to Christianity.
The book is aimed at people of all ages; however, it clearly shows his desire to help young people because one of the questions asked in the book of each expert is "What advice would you give to your 18-year-old self?" This makes the book a great choice for a graduation gift. At the same time, the audience who will appreciate this is a wide audience of all ages, not just young people.

Having read a number of leadership and "how to be successful" books over the years, I approached this book with healthy dose of skepticism, but was quickly disarmed by McCoy's candor in sharing his own personal story of surviving brain cancer before the age of 30. The entire book is designed to "pay it forward" to people who truly want to pursue that goal they've always wanted to achieve, but weren't quite sure how to take the first step. One of my favorite parts of the book is how McCoy chooses to define success. "Success is about doing something that improves the lives of others and makes you truly happy." The idea of leaving the world, another person's life in a better place than which you found it is a theme that permeates throughout the book. It was a pleasure to read and serves as a source of motivation for those who are willing to cast aside doubt and take that first step.